Cool to be Kind at VOLFEST 2024


Chelmsford CVS (Council for Voluntary Service) is pleased to announce that National Volunteers Week will be celebrated with VOLFEST on Chelmsford High Street on Thursday, 6th June 2024.

Cool to be Kind will join VOLFEST this year alongside a representative from Street Support Chelmsford. We’ll be there to discuss volunteer opportunities within Cool to be Kind, as advertised on our website, and to raise awareness about our efforts to support the homeless and vulnerable in our community. Whether you can commit a day, a month, or a lifetime, your time and energy can make a significant difference in someone’s life.

Fifty local charities and charitable organisations will showcase their efforts, promote their services, and celebrate the positive impact of their community work.

You’ll have the chance to see firsthand how charities and volunteers support our city, learn how you and your loved ones can access help, and discover ways to get involved. Join us for a day filled with activities, music, food, and fun!

VOLFEST has been a fixture in Chelmsford since 2019 and has become a cornerstone of community activity. Lorraine Jarvis from CVS remarked, “Every year at VOLFEST, there is a wonderful buzz on the High Street. People chat at the stalls and discover how local organisations can benefit them. Chelmsford has an incredibly vibrant and strong charity sector, and it’s inspiring to see so many come out in force at VOLFEST. Volunteering is truly life-enhancing and now more important than ever.”

Join us on 6th June to learn more and celebrate our community.

More information about the event can be found here.

Follow the event on X@ChelmsfordCVS using the hashtags #VOLFEST and #VolunteersWeek.